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YDP's Message

Assalamualaikum wa wa rahmatullahi Barakatuh,

Thank God, I am thankful that the infinite to the Almighty for His grace and His permission, let me as the YDP's of Tangkak District Council (MDT), which has been given the trust and responsibility by the State Government to continue the leadership and efforts towards the achievement of the mission and vision Tangkak District Council together with all employees of the MDT.

Next, I would like to welcome to the ladies and gentlemen to the Tangkak District Council Official Portal. Tangkak District Council has moved a step further in tandem with globalization and development of information technology in the provision of official portal itself for the convenience and comfort of the residents of Tangkak District in general and to the taxpayer under the administration of Tangkak District Council especially in wherever you are to benefit from Our official portal of this. Borderless world now allows information to spread rapidly throughout the world where access to information or information at your fingertips, anywhere and at any time.

Indeed, the willingness ladies and gentlemen official portal is very meaningful for us and I hope that the information provided in the portal will be able to meet the needs and wishes of all. We will strive to enhance its capabilities and enrich useful information in this portal from time to time.

Therefore, I seek the cooperation of the ladies and gentlemen in particular the taxpayers and stakeholders to continue to provide support and constructive ideas to the Tangkak District Council to achieve the vision and mission of this organization.

Finally surfing the Portal Tangkak District Council and we welcome your suggestions or positive outlook and creative ladies and gentlemen, this official portal for improvements in the future.

Thank Best Regards, Thanks.